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  • Writer's pictureRuth Weaver

Roasted Corn Salsa

Updated: May 6

This roasted corn salsa is so good! The smoky flavor of roasted corn adds the perfect touch to this recipe that is full of flavor with spicy jalapenos, red onion, cilantro, and citrus juice. We love eating it as a dip with tortilla chips, in taco salads, and chipotle chicken bowls.

corn salsa with tortilla chips

Ingredients you will need:

  • Frozen Corn - I like using frozen corn as I always have some in the freezer, make sure its whole kernel corn. You can use fresh corn if you prefer but roasting time may differ from frozen.

  • Red Onion - Red onion is the best option for this recipe as they add burst of color and are pretty mild. You can also use white onion if you prefer.

  • Cilantro - Cilantro is a must in this recipe! Do not skip it, it adds a burst of freshness and zip.

  • Jalapeños - If you don't have fresh jalapeños, you can use canned, chop up 2 to 3 tbsp. and use that instead.

  • Citrus - We're using lemon and lime juice, you can also double the amount and just do lemon or vice versa.

  • Salt - The most important ingredient always... salt, ya need that salt;)

ingredients for recipe

First thing you want to do is roast the corn. Use a cast iron pan if you have one, add a little bit of oil and roast the frozen corn on high heat for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring every few minutes to keep it from burning. When it's done remove from heat and transfer to a bowl, refrigerate while you prep the rest of ingredients.

roasted corn

Chop the onion, cilantro, and jalapenos, add it to the cooled corn along with freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice. Add the salt and stir to combine. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to let the flavors combine. Serve with tortilla chips, add it to chipotle bowls, burrito bowls, taco salads, etc.

corn salsa

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